
Fuel Truck

Jet Fuel

At Cape Cod Gateway Airport you can trust that your aviation fuel (Jet-A and 100LL Avgas) will be delivered quickly, safely, and by competent and pleasurable staff. Cape Cod Gateway Airport has a proven track record in fully understanding the requirements and responsibilities in maintaining aviation fuel systems, with a focus on safety, cost control, inventory management, and a clear emphasis on environmental compliance and responsibility. HYA provides our customers with safe, efficient, independent into-plane fueling services with friendly staff and on-time performance.

Cape Cod Gateway Airport is proud to provide reliable and quality jet fuel supplied by World Fuel Services and Phillips 66® Aviation brand program Fuels, a trusted source for reliable branded and unbranded fuel supply that build their businesses. You will find our Jet A prices among the lowest in the region. We are happy to negotiate discounted pricing based on your needs through our Jet Fuel Discount Program or other negotiable terms. The Airport is the sole provider of quality jet fuel and works in collaboration with other Fixed Based Operators (FBOs) on the field to make sure your fuel needs are met.

For Jet-A fuel, contact Airport Operations, located on the East Ramp at (508) 778-7770 for current pricing, or send a fax to (508) 778-7771.

For 100LL Avgas contact Air Cape Cod (508) 771-5725 or Griffin Avionics at (508) 771-2638 or email [email protected].




